Workshops & Tutorials

Introduction to flexdashboard with interactive data visualiation
An introduction to making interactive dashboards with flexdashboard and Shiny integration. This was a brief lesson designed for the UC Davis Ecology Graduate Group Data Visualization ECL 290.

Making webpages with Rmd + GitHub
An introduction to making web pages with GitHub Pages, with an emphasis on project management and using git from Terminal. This was a workshop designed for the UC Davis Mexican Graduate Student Association.

Treating text as data with PDFs and regex
A brief overview of working with text as data (web scraping, PDF reading, and OCR) and regular expressions (regex) for cleaning messy text data with an emphasis on the stringr package. This was a presentation designed for for the Davis R-Users Group mini-workshops.

Introduction to the Tidyverse
An introductory workshop on essential data cleaning and visualizing pipelines using the tidy workflow. This was a workshop designed for the UC Davis Mexican Graduate Student Association.

Network visualization with ggraph
An intermediate exploration of network data, including a brief review of storing and managing network data and objects, and a focus on integrating network summaries with visualization according to the grammar of graphics. This workshop was designed for the UC Davis DataLab’s micro-credential program.

Webscraping public records with rvest + regex intro
A re-vamp of my first webscraping overview, this lesson demonstrates how to scrape data from public salary database, This was a presentation designed for for the Davis R-Users Group mini-workshops.

Introduction to creating a package with roxygen2
Building off of the function-writing tutorial, this lesson outlines steps for turning a function into a package using the roxygen2 package. This was a presentation designed for for the Davis R-Users Group mini-workshops.

Real-world function writing
A brief introduction to function-writing using the case of reading in US Patent Office .csv files and cleaning up the data to demonstrate the usefulness of combining functions and iteration. This was a presentation designed for for the Davis R-Users Group mini-workshops.

Converting Evernote notes to markdown files
A quick overview of using the evernote2md package in R to convert .enex files from Evernote into more accessible .md files.

Converting Google Docs to LaTeX template for aggiedown
A workflow for connecting the aggiedown dissertation LaTeX template with Google Docs. The point is to allow dissertation-writing in Google Docs with Zotero plug-in with a direct feed into an Rmd and BibTeX format.

Ordered logits introduction with MASS + VGAM
A brief introduction to ordered logits using two different packages in R, reviewing the different model specifications and some of the more advances features of the VGAM package, particularly non-proportional and partial proportional models. Example using simulated farmer survey data.

Sequential ordered logits
Advancing on the ordered logit introduction, this provides an overview of the continuation ratio (also called sequential) model to ordered logits that want to analyze a dependent ordinal variable that constitutes sequential stages. Example using simulated farmer survey data.

Introduction to R programming videos
These videos, recorded with co-instructors Christian John, Tyler Scott, and Tara Pozzi, are available from each year of R-DAVIS instruction.